I wanted to post one thing I found particularly affecting from “The Five Second Rule” by Mel Robbins:
We have these stories we tell ourselves about why we aren’t putting forward our best effort. Personally, I am great at telling these stories.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of excuses I have justified not taking action:
- I am afraid of success
- I’m lazy
- I’m stupid
- I’m bad at business
- People will think I am stupid
- People will think I am ugly
- People will think I am talentless
When reading, I was forced to deal with the question, “What if you’re wrong?”
It hit me like a fucking truck.
The excuses aren’t even fucking true. I would rather have abuse myself than count from five, stop thinking, and just take the next step.
Failure or rejection will not kill me. As she states, “success is a numbers game” so I just need to keep racking up the numbers. The only way to fail is to stop taking the next step.
Also, what I think about myself matters way more than other people. If I do the right thing, provide more value than I take, then the right people will find me.